The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: leadership

Finishing the day

As a child, the best time of the day often was dinner time. We spent


Criticizing oneself may seem like the desire to learn or change. But what it does,

The key to it all

Human beings love certainty. However, they also want to make it easy. And if possible,

The necessary tension

The idea of a “necessary tension” was once described by a Polish rabbi in the

An impact of scale

An idea we’ve become accustomed to is that things are becoming more complicated. In a

The little details

During summer I participated in an online conference as a virtual meeting facilitator. There was

Remembering the purpose

Now that virtual meetings have become a standard routine they have added the virtual vs.

Becoming a team

“Most people don’t grow up. It’s too damn difficult. What happens is most people get

To or over

Power is a subject that is often avoided when it comes to hierarchy or relationships.

Changing choices

In his book “a promised land” Barack Obama also relates a story of opening up

Verifying a decision

Getting to a decision can be hard work. This is especially true for strategic decisions.