The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: framework

Mindset in relationships

A relationship is defined by its perception. The same action can be understood as someone

Primary task

In the context of systems psychodynamics, we’ll often use the concept of the primary task.

People are good

In transactional analysis, we use the notion of an ok-ok relationship. The idea is to

Things that exist

A well-known metaphor is the idea that the blue sky is always there. Clouds might

Reduce the irrelevant

One may assume that everything is relevant, and it’s true. But not always. It is

Dealing with Bureaucracy

In many non-profit and volunteer organizations people complain about the existing bureaucracy. They see it

The use of protocols in teams

Working with Edith, a coachee, we explored how her perception of working for McDonald’s during

What got you here

In an article entitled “Real Work” Abraham Zaleznik describes how in the 1930s “researchers, academics,