The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: care

From investment to attachment

Whenever people envision a result, they can become attached to achieving it. However, an attachment

Fixing or improving

When the aim is to fix something, the assumption usually is that something is broken.

Who is a question for?

Not too long ago I sent a colleague a mail asking him for some information.

Dealing with ambivalence

Sometimes, headlines can make it hard to grasp an article. The way they are phrased

Making it visible

I was working with a client. She had sent me her plan beforehand and when

Fighting fear

When fear appears in a team, a frequent reaction will be to try to take

Seeking meaning

It may be having become obsessed over pay, status, or career that is pushing a

Do this

Every so often, people share pieces of wisdom with us. They resemble advice or everyday

Tolerance and humility

There are many ways to relate with others, it is a choice people constantly make.