Forgetting the stories
The world has become such a small place that any type of information from all
The world has become such a small place that any type of information from all
The attention economy established the idea of quickly taking a stance for or against something.
From a coaching perspective, I’ll often enquire what the person means when he uses “must”.
During the last months, I’ve continuously been coming back to different approaches to goal setting.
When we are selling a service people will take a close look. When we are
Reactions are, most often, limited by what people are reacting to. If someone decides to
When there is trust, tensions can become a stimulus to grow and learn together. The
In any type of group mechanisms and rules develop themselves. They serve the members of
When there is tension in the room people will often back off. It’s an uncomfortable
Part of learning is learning to see patterns. Once we’ve learned a pattern we usually
People are often being paid by the hour. Or at least, that is how they
One of our elementary functions of behaviors is to gain attention. It is at the