The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: attention

Straight talk

It can be most refreshing to have a discussion allowing to uncover the unsaid. It’s

Relaxed concentration

Learning something new does take time, golf is no exception. What seems to make golf


The energy we put into attention can serve different tasks. We can opt for being


During The Marketing Seminar, one of the question we work on is to find an

Enhancing time management

Managing time is a strange idea. Maybe I shouldn’t understand it verbally. But what is

Using time

A few days ago some altMBA friends and I were discussing how to create better

Reciprocity, a principle

It seems to make sense to connect principle with the idea of reciprocity when describing

Generous or Selfish?

While generous and selfish may be seen as opposites there is no reason to only

Being in charge

One of the stunning concepts around is “being in charge”. It implies the freedom to