Posts about power

Understanding emotions and our reactions to them can take a long time. A reason for …

Attending an event with many young leaders I was invited to facilitate a strategy workshop. …

Sometimes people can’t distinguish between a demand and something that is desired. As perception is …

It takes some effort to remember that things can change in an instant. It may …

There was a time when commencement speeches were widely spread over the internet and had …

The idea of gaining a view of what it is that is within one’s control …

Sometimes I see clients in a conversation who avoid sharing their ideas or opinions. They …

When leaders focus on how something should be they are looking at a version of …

Kings build castles, dictators build palaces, and bishops have cathedrals. It’s a metaphor. To display …

When people seek to attain their objectives, they can be driven by the fear of …

The ambition of a model is to represent reality. In contrast to this, a framework …

A few days ago I was working with a client. I had seen patterns in …