Posts about performance

In a situation of uncertainty, optimism or pessimism are the available choices. As Wikipedia puts …

There are many invitations around to care less about the process than about the result. …

The attention economy established the idea of quickly taking a stance for or against something. …

When there is little time and problems pop up, the most frequent reaction is to …

A colleague reached out to me to discuss the transformation process of her business. Two …

As a leader, there are many occasions when one has to keep the momentum up …

Once I worked for someone who would regularly invite me to “just do it”. As …

During a recent team coaching, the team I was working with struggled to find ways …

Sometimes children need to be reassured. When reassuring a child, parents seek to help their …

The wapaha is the eagle-feathered headdress worn by the chiefs of the Native American Indian …

From a coaching perspective, I’ll often enquire what the person means when he uses “must”. …

Albert now likes to call himself realistic. It’s his reaction to the overflowing positivity he …