When people evaluate themselves on an optimism – pessimism scale they’ll often assess what the right measure is according to the group they are in. That is what they expect to be the right answer.
Some will escape the scale by calling themselves, realists. Others will perceive themselves as not optimistic enough or too pessimistic.
What they rarely will think about, is what that position means. That is how their behavior might be exactly right for them and yet also imply that they will exclude a part of reality from the information they will assess.
The more they focus on optimism, the less they can pay attention to the risks that inevitably come along. The more they focus on pessimism, the less they’ll engage with those elements contributing to reducing the risks in that given situation.
If their position on the scale makes the situation easier or more difficult for them will depend on how it relates to the situation they are in and the change they are seeking.
There rarely is a general answer to what’s right for oneself or others.