The slippery slope
Not too long ago I read an interesting article on giving feedback written by Seth
Not too long ago I read an interesting article on giving feedback written by Seth
“This is not my responsibility” is true more often than we think. You can still
Once in a while, when we are exchanging with someone else, the situation starts to
Browsing the web I came across a free ebook written by Seth Godin and friends.
Lately, I’ve been looking into the idea of “structure”. I thought I had understood what
Change is inevitable. I’m certainly not breaking the news here. And yet it seems as
This morning our little group had a wrap-up meeting for a sprint we had done
As we were discussing changes in a team I was reminded of the idea of
Sustainable learning and habit creation happens in small units. That’s how I describe my experience
Tonight, my Process Communication Model (PCM) group and I worked on the PCM concept of
A few days ago, I listened to an interview. The person interviewed was deeply
Earlier on, a friend described a situation she had been able to observe at a