The things that worked in the past
For years, being a member of a “Verein”, that is a club or association, has
For years, being a member of a “Verein”, that is a club or association, has
Is it, that the amount of information available creates the impression that we should be
Teams come together to achieve something together. By coming together they create an environment within
As of late, I’ve been listening to numerous autobiographies and found them to be enlightening.
Michael Gerharz is one of those remarkable personalities I had the opportunity to learn to
Michael Bungay Stanier has been working for quite a while on how to find a
There are many situations in which the right thing to do doesn’t have a unique
“A critical task of science is to provide clear nomenclature – precise terms that sharpen
One of the main drivers of today’s culture is speed. To some extent, this is
When people see a story happening, there is a natural inclination to make sense out
Meetings often allow seeing when there is a lack of clarity in the objectives. That’s
Recently a participant shared how strange it had felt to be paid a different amount