The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Author: francoise hontoy

The fullness of things

In the last “The Pause” Krista Tippett shared an excerpt of her conversation with the

Resistance and obligation

When discipline feels like an obligation or when it is obligation that invites you into


Laughing connects people. There is a connection when people share a smile. When people laugh

About comparing

Lately Rohan from A learning a day shared two learnings related to comparing. At first

The glue

Teams come together to achieve something together. By coming together they create an environment within

Sunflower territorry

The rules of the game

Everyone plays by a set of rules. One can also describe these rules as the

Principles first

Mitch was complaining loudly. According to him, members had been spreading rumors, they were talking

The story of us

When people join an organization, they are greeted, sometimes welcomed, by those who are already

Appropriate responsibility

Charles was trying to make sure that everything would go well. He wanted nothing more

A kaleidoscope

Once, I prepared a team coaching and started with an exchange with the team leader

Life goes on

There is nothing wrong with being attached to something. However, attachment can lead to feeling

Thinking made simple

In a team, it is normal that different people will have different opinions. That’s part