The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: worldview

They asked you

A standard question to think about the work we’ve been doing is to ask oneself

Being the product

When a service is free, there always is a reason why this is so. It

Remaining focused

Even if my upbringing was full of freedom and possibilities to do what I wanted,

The right thing

There is quite a difference between the right thing, legally right, and believing that it’s

Closing the deal

Reading through the work of students seeking to understand how marketing works, I’ll find that

Taking it personally

Note to self Whenever you’re taking something personally you’ve assumed that you are the center

Facts, Problems, and Fears

One of the biggest problems with facts is that they challenge preconceived ideas. Preconceived ideas

The Earth is flat

When designing a curriculum one of the questions appearing is if the learning will allow