The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: strategy

When competition helps

Watching a few kids play, we all suddenly noticed how two of them had entered

a challenge in the moment - golf

The dynamic of life

One of the easiest exercises is to scan the web for methods or explanations of

Suspend business

Taking up a task, it is easy to become so focused on that task, that

A focus on needs

Once there was Napster. It served music lovers at a time when the music industry

Putting your audience first

Leaders can learn a lot from exceptional speakers, without needing to become exceptional speakers themselves.

The benefit of references

A reference is something people know and will refer to whenever they learn something new.

Focused on the destination

In a recent conversation, James described his business. It was working well, but he wasn’t

Assuming knowing

There is a growing understanding, that leaders cannot know everything. A bit more difficult is

Your ideas

There is a vast difference between doing something because everyone does it and doing something

Seeking pleasure

A move toward the pleasant is natural. What is rarely clearly defined is what pleasure