The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: responsibility

a challenge in the moment - golf

The dynamic of life

One of the easiest exercises is to scan the web for methods or explanations of

Emotions as a lens

When thinking about emotions, people will often focus on those emotions that had a high

Be direct

People easily ask for others to be direct, honest, and maybe even brutally honest with

Building confidence

Some people seek to build confidence through knowledge and skills. They identify with their competence

Conflict avoidance

The desire to avoid conflict is part of human nature. Human beings are social beings,

Seeing deeply

As a coach I’m interested in seeing deeply, it is aligned with what I’m trying

The group’s task

As a member of quite a few groups, I’m regularly wondering about the task the

Rational emotional

One of the most common approaches is to seek to solve the problem that is

Waiting for the future

It’s important to address issues in a team dynamic, with available resources, due to a

Having an opinion

Almost all the automatisms people use can be brought back to the necessity to survive.