The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Creating a space to learn

Judgment is one of the biggest challenges to learning. It can be one’s judgment as

Repetitive activities

When it comes to repeating an activity, there are at least two perspectives one can

Compatibility of values

When joining an organization, it is relevant to consider the organization’s values. But what’s important

Hurry up

Hearing someone suggest hurrying up is a regular event. In many situations, this can even

Unwanted conflicts

It must be said that there is not much reason to like conflicts. But that

Not good at

Talking about sport, the person sitting next to me told me that she isn’t good

The map

The idea that “the map is not the territory” easily creates an image in the

The idealization of better

“Be better” seems such a logical and useful idea. What a promise! Once something has

In right there is might

When Herbert J. Taylor developed the four-way test, it was to save the company he

The two games of life

The more I think about it, the more I sense that human beings play two