The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

The value we create

Recently a participant shared how strange it had felt to be paid a different amount

Brain overdrive

The brain loves to be busy, it seems to be its easiest mode. It’s most

Learning with a problem

When there is a problem to solve one interesting angle to solving it can be


“… status is an elusive entity, popularity an accident, wealth very fickle, and […] only

Leaving it behind

During my studies, I had the opportunity to follow the journey of a transgender friend.

Expecting happiness

During a fascinating conversion with Michael Gerharz, we found ourselves exploring a few means we

Listening to your story

There are many reasons to listen to someone’s story. All are based on care. Caring

Contributing to the result

James is leading the process development in his organization and a keen learner. Like everyone,