The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Avoiding change

Resistance to change is linked to two different types of anxieties: survival anxiety and learning

The promises we make

Claus had invited his mentee to share whatever they wanted with him. To help them

The greatest gift

“Free will is the greatest gift anyone could have given us. It means we can,

Is and can be

In their book “Humble Leadership” Edgar and Peter Schein invite a new form of leadership.

Taking the responsibility

Responsibility is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “something that it is your job or

Adapting your message

One of the most regular questions when learning to use the Process Communication Model was

Choosing efficiency?

There is a caveat with efficient solutions. They only work well if the process being

Naming, and then?

In July I joined a small cohort in KDVI’s signature group coaching practicum. We are

A way to fail change

Recently I was working with someone planning her career change. She had chosen to leave

Arguments and Arguing

Arguing comes with the intent to win someone else over. It is a power game.


Learning history

History has always been told and written from one point of view. The one of