The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

On having fun

“If you’re not having fun, you’re not learning. There’s a pleasure in finding things out.”

It’s hard

It’s supposed to be hard. But that’s not a reason to make it hard. It


Every profession has a context that impacts one’s thinking and the approach one has to

Everyday Struggle

Days and moments come with a constant flow of choices to be made. Most of

Looking for advice

As he explores the subject of mental health, Chris Guillebau also brings up the idea

The art to recover

An idea that continues to surface is that emotions are bad. I most often hear

Passive learning

With an overwhelming amount of information accessible to us, it has become a challenge for

On the shoulders of giants

People trust best practices, the learning they did years ago, common wisdom, their own experience,

Knowing the answer

Many leaders tend to believe that they need to know the answer. A question is

Success and winning

There are many ways to define success. Among the many possibilities I’m regularly reading about

Trees and forests

Personal development is often seen as an endeavor to transform oneself towards a better version