The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: group dynamics

Going it alone

There is a growing understanding that leadership doesn’t work well when leaders go at it

Building on differences

A theme I’m often noticing while coaching, is how leaders want clarity to exist. In

Receiving admiration

In many situations, it is a nice role to be the go-to person in a

The first move

In a situation in which two are waiting for who will do the first move,

Counterintuitive decisions

When someone finds himself under pressure, and that may be for whatever reason, it reduces

Desiring or controlling

A question I’m regularly confronted with in my coaching is the desire of a leader

Origins of humor

When there is laughter and a sense of community in a team, it often leads

When we change

Of the many ways to look at change, many focus on changing the other. It’s

We are a team

It’s probably one of the worst approaches to teamwork: assuming and stating that the group

Planning an outcome

When invited to a meeting, people will immediately imagine an outcome of that meeting. If

Foundations and processes

Many small organizations will not think much about establishing structures and processes. They assume that,