The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: group dynamics

Explaining oneself

Reaching out to a helpdesk is one of these things I’ll often avoid as some

Voice over

The conversation was intense. The group was sharing its ideas about a film called “The

Is and can be

In their book “Humble Leadership” Edgar and Peter Schein invite a new form of leadership.

When things go well

It’s the moment where complacency will find it easiest to appear. Things rarely are well,

When change agents succeed

One of the mysteries leaders sometimes find themselves confronted with, is when their instructions are

Groups and family

Human beings are born into groups: their family. That’s where they start their life experience

The origin of authority

It’s actually simple. There are two answers. In a group, a person is always put

What others do or say

It is easier to hope and expect other people will do what we think should

A teams code of conduct

Teams always have a code of conduct. Some have two. A written one and an

Naming, and then?

In July I joined a small cohort in KDVI’s signature group coaching practicum. We are

Competing commitments

The masterful way people have to live their life will regularly be misunderstood as being