The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Change is more than an idea

As a kid, change is simple. It is understood as something one wants or doesn’t

Amid options

The search for clarity is a process. It develops around an objective or desire. And

Finding Acceptance

The idea of acceptance is one of these concepts that take a lifetime to master.

Sharing one’s wants

In my youth, I couldn’t stand it, when my mother asked me what I wanted

Control and Accountability

In a recent blog post, Michael highlighted the difference between the leadership task of “lighting


Everyone engages to a certain extent in self-coaching. Teams too. Whenever it happens it is

Belonging and power

Human beings are wired to function in groups. They want to be in a group

Just let go

One of the suggestions I’ve been hearing over and over is the one of “letting

This is not to criticize

Yesterday I was having lunch with a friend. Our conversation wandered through the different subjects

Stop doing this

When asking people what they want, they’ll easily answer with the things they don’t want