The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Finding your way

Learning a method is applying what someone else developed. Developing your way on the other

Testing boundaries

While visiting some friends I was observing the way the children interacted with their parents.

Choice as an objective

Jane wanted to involve her team and was searching for the best ways to do

a path in the woods at wintertime

Forget your goal

Something I observed in an organization I once was a member of, was how the

Shaping an organization

When a group establishes itself, it will automatically establish its rules and principles. Its members

Go First

A, sometimes, lost skill is to go first. Toddlers do that. They somehow decide that

Caring and leading

Relationships always involve managing tensions. In a continuous stream of situations, many involve forces pulling

An end and a beginning

A limit can be a separation between two areas. It can be an end, that