The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: communication

Context and content

Regularly, when I’m seeing conversations turn in circles I’m fascinated by the misunderstanding which lead

Accepting or adapting

Knowing a few languages, I love the opportunity to switch to another language to ease

Better, newer, faster, …

One idea of using adjectives is to describe things or situations effectively. In their effort

What, Who, Why, How

When working on plans, the words describing elements of the plan are often used interchangeably.

Connection economy

As we move further into the connection economy we have to think twice about the

Finding a language

Once in a while patterns or themes seem to arise. What happens is that an

That’s wrong

The easiest way to make it difficult for people to listen to you is to

Against, alone or with

In the process of sharing our work with others, we will find ourselves talking with

Position or difference

One way to see the world around us is by constantly searching for the way

Complexity of building awareness

Investigating into procrastination is an adventure into complexity of the human rationality. A recent New