The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: change

They are variations

You can try to repeat an experience. You can decide to observe every experience. Repetition

The change he wants

Whatever someone wants to see changed, it rarely is what will be changed. Wanting to

Compatibility of values

When joining an organization, it is relevant to consider the organization’s values. But what’s important

Thinking about oneself

The more time one spends with oneself, the more time we can have to think

The choices we make

Not too long ago, I had an early morning flight and only had a short


Whatever objective one may have, there always will be rules shaping the process. These can


The moment something becomes actionable is closely linked to one’s ability to visualize what is,

Rational decisions

The idea that someone could make a rational decision is almost strange. The idea that

Stepping in to help

People genuinely want to help. It is rare to meet someone who doesn’t have the

Ideas guiding improvement

Whenever an idea of improving something appears, some guiding principles will describe what that improvement