The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: change

The roles people play

In a team, people will quickly see themselves as becoming scapegoats or perceive others as

Learning to lead

A very simple question a leader has to ask is “did it work?” Whatever the

The as-always change

In a general fashion, people find it easy to be devoted to becoming better. There

Every day

It will never be enough. No quest to achieve happiness through doing can reach its

Dopamine wants change

Dopamine is released upon receiving what we craved. As part of the human reward system,

Subjective goals

Leading others means developing a view of the tasks the team is performing that has

Planning ahead

Working toward a dream can take a lifetime. And sometimes it’s only in retrospect that

Staying in shape

People put a lot of energy into staying in shape. It’s easy to find suggestions

The discipline to relax

It’s one of these strange paradoxes. Performance requires the ability to relax. At the same

Questions or answers?

I once was responsible for the operations of an IT system that had a quite

Hope and optimism

Jenny had heard about the upcoming changes in her organization and found herself satisfied with