The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: care

Nuanced meta-levels

During the last few days, I found myself a few times in intense discussions involving

Designing the experience

Game designers set out to create an experience for players. To make it an enjoyable

Comfort is not the point

When working together as a team there are many situations in which things would need


Finishing a WhatsApp message to a family member I smiled realizing the role I had

Being the product

When a service is free, there always is a reason why this is so. It


Figuring out how to help is a complex task. The more challenging task is to

Pendulum swing

One of the remarkable ways humans act is by pushing towards the edges without realizing

Power plays

It is inevitable to regularly find ourselves in power plays. People will not necessarily aim

Remaining focused

Even if my upbringing was full of freedom and possibilities to do what I wanted,

Going back to essentials

There is no shortage of leadership theories or definitions telling us how to be a