The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: awareness

That’s what a team needs

At least, that’s what a lot of people hope to find when they start reading

Stimulus hunger

René Spitz is known for his research on deprivation experienced by infants. What he found,

Developing your project

Any project you’ll be developing will require many steps until it happens even more so

Interested in everything

The internet makes it easy to hear and read about almost everything. The pace at

Curating Memories

There is no way to stop time from running continuously. There hardly is anything as

Connect with the work

The late Clay Christensen was a key influence in many of the Silicon Valley powerhouses.

Making feedback comfortable

When asking for feedback, there is always the possibility that the other person doesn’t like

Setting intentions

At the beginning of a workshop, a regular habit is to ask participants about the

What’s the effort for?

When you do the work, the hard work to achieve your goal, take a moment

Why this?

It seemed to be a coincidence. I had been wondering doing a task the purpose

Ideas and words

The best way to understand your own idea is to share it with someone you