The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Relationship

Contribution and blame

A theme that reappears regularly in my practice is the client’s desire to pinpoint responsibility.

Golf is life

It’s true for many of the activities people take up and can be present to.

Success Models

The internet has a meme trying to highlight the stereotypes one has of women. Despite

Mindset in relationships

A relationship is defined by its perception. The same action can be understood as someone

The rules that apply

When playing games, people are used to rules. In general such rules are there to

Want or need?

Reading about ways to use one’s money I came across a distinction between wanting and

There is a reason

A question teams will frequently ask is how to align a purpose with the objective

People are good

In transactional analysis, we use the notion of an ok-ok relationship. The idea is to