The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Belonging

Noticing small differences

Writing emails is something I’ve become accustomed to. But the way I write emails is

When competition helps

Watching a few kids play, we all suddenly noticed how two of them had entered

Be direct

People easily ask for others to be direct, honest, and maybe even brutally honest with

The roles people play

In a team, people will quickly see themselves as becoming scapegoats or perceive others as

Beginnings and Endings

Humans are used to things having a beginning and an end. However, they may not

Thinking about cooperation

In whatever relationship, when there is cooperation there is also a notion of helping. Coaching

Conflict avoidance

The desire to avoid conflict is part of human nature. Human beings are social beings,

Living life

Living life is what happens in the rare moments in which one is present to

Shared language

Once in a while, I’m using a word and think that I’d prefer to use

Every day

It will never be enough. No quest to achieve happiness through doing can reach its

Making things less personal

Maria was pushing ahead, everyone knew how engaged she was and how much she wanted