The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Adapt your Position

Pipit Standing
credit to / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Did you realize how much words can tell? When I take the time to hear and analyze a word I’m often impressed to find out how much information words can transfer.

While reading a German book about body language by Samy Molcho I was reminded of this is in the chapter about standpoints (“Standpunkte” in German). Thinking about standpoints I was usually thinking about my standpoint in a discussion or possibly the point of view I might have.

Well, that’s only one interpretation – standpoint can just as well be the point on which you are standing. Sounds easy? Just imagine how it looks like: You are standing and normaly trying to have a strong hold.

Now continue to imagine that you are discussing with another person and that each one of you has his or her standpoint. Whenever you notice that none of you changes opinions or whenever you are stuck in regularly repeating the same arguments, try to slightly move your body. Shifting your position from the point you have been standing allows you to see the discussion from another view point and possibly standpoint. If either of you are shifting or moving your position you’ll eventually notice that the discussion also adapts itself. Having another point on which you are standing will help you to find out more on the other persons point of view – eventually allowing you to adapt your arguments to something the other person will understand better or creating arguments with a greater potential to persuade.

On the other hand while changing your position, you might also have a different understanding and notice that the ideas brought up by your discussion partner are quite interesting – again allowing both of you to “stand on common ground”.


[Original publication via, April 14, 2010]

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