The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: transparence

On emotional conversations

In an interview, General Philip Breedlove shared his assessment of the existing responses to the

It’s nice to agree

In a team, there are always a few people who are more forceful in presenting

The meaning of words

Words mean different things depending on the context in which they are used. As I’m

It’s understood

Most of the time, it’s what is assumed, rarely what is understood. Take for example

Adapting your message

One of the most regular questions when learning to use the Process Communication Model was

What others can see

There never is a situation without problems. Never expect others to tell you when they

The wise quote

Sometimes, we’ll come to places where the organization highlights a quote from one of its

Joining the rat race

As organizations grow they frequently do so by simply adding new tasks as they appear.

Knowing others

In a recent post on LinkedIn Ray Dalio talked about the PrinciplesYou assessment instrument he’s

Seeking descriptions

When people see a story happening, there is a natural inclination to make sense out