The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: strategy

Watching the competition

Observing how others do, listening to how others think, and noticing how people feel about

Developing self-awareness

An essential path to becoming a better leader is the ability to develop self-awareness. But

Exploring micromanagement

Gaining a reputation as a micromanager is one of the many things leaders and managers

Let’s have coffee

Many know people who talk about having a coffee together but never follow up on


In an interesting turn of interpretation, people will split the meaning of being human depending

Doing your best

People will regularly suggest that one should do one’s best. It’s an interesting concept. How

It’s always a surprise

As much as we’d like it to be different, planning is independent of its outcome.

Foreground and background

As Ed Schein once explained, “Culture is telling you moment to moment what to do.”

Zooming out

An interesting aspect of goals is how one goal can serve other goals. It can