The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: power

Two leaders

Sometimes, especially in non-profit organizations, I see that teams decide to have two leaders or

The need to succeed

Everyone learns that failures happen, and that success is not guaranteed. However, such learning doesn’t

From logic to rules

Rules exist. There is nothing we can do about it. They originate in individual perceptions

Reaching the summit

Climbing a mountain may create the sense that the summit is the goal. But once

At all costs

There is motivation in competing. Others offer a way to measure oneself, there is the

Ordering forces

In every system, forces are acting as an undercurrent. They are forces, just like an

Never miss a meeting

Time is one of the most precious resources one has. It cannot be saved and

Training for perfection

Recently I had the opportunity to observe a candidate participating in a competition I was

Be good

It’s an interesting aspect of our self-development culture. It seems to establish a focus on

Success Models

The internet has a meme trying to highlight the stereotypes one has of women. Despite

Seeking benefits

The upcoming elections in the US have started to focus a lot of the available