The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

When strategies emerge

One approach to having a strategy is to start with knowing what one wants to

Plan and planning

It’s easy to complain about plans not working out or of one not being able

On Intentions

There is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. As

Responsibility for results

It helps to distinguish between being responsible for something and achieving a result. The responsibility


While observing events, other people, or oneself, a lot of information comes up. But what

Where are you?

Self-awareness has been on my agenda for a while. But what does it mean? There

Made for power

Despite negative associations with power, humans cannot do without it. It is to keep the

Seeking to improve

Action research might sound like something impressive and beyond our day-to-day interventions. That may be

Urgent matters

The Eisenhower matrix is a well-known instrument to assist in making decisions. What it does

Early motivations

When talking to leaders, I’ll often hear about the elegant motivations they have. Archie, for

Fixing or improving

When the aim is to fix something, the assumption usually is that something is broken.