The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: group dynamics

The birth of conflicts

By default, leaders will contribute to conflicts. It’s a given as they are part of

When competition helps

Watching a few kids play, we all suddenly noticed how two of them had entered

a challenge in the moment - golf

The dynamic of life

One of the easiest exercises is to scan the web for methods or explanations of

Suspend business

Taking up a task, it is easy to become so focused on that task, that

Be direct

People easily ask for others to be direct, honest, and maybe even brutally honest with

Beginnings and Endings

Humans are used to things having a beginning and an end. However, they may not

Waiting for the future

It’s important to address issues in a team dynamic, with available resources, due to a

Your ideas

There is a vast difference between doing something because everyone does it and doing something

Winning the game

When considering the situation, they are in, the first approach will easily be to see

Making things less personal

Maria was pushing ahead, everyone knew how engaged she was and how much she wanted

Staying in shape

People put a lot of energy into staying in shape. It’s easy to find suggestions