The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Digging into the data

Years ago, Google decided to study its working force to determine what success is made

Contribution and blame

A theme that reappears regularly in my practice is the client’s desire to pinpoint responsibility.

Moving towards abstraction

It often is very useful to describe things and situations in abstract terms. In working

The rules that apply

When playing games, people are used to rules. In general such rules are there to

Want or need?

Reading about ways to use one’s money I came across a distinction between wanting and

Primary task

In the context of systems psychodynamics, we’ll often use the concept of the primary task.

Things that exist

A well-known metaphor is the idea that the blue sky is always there. Clouds might

Getting started

There are these moments when a feeling emerges that something isn’t as it should be.

Being of service

At the beginning of the last century, several well-known retailers coined sentences like “the customer