The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: change

How to be successful

One of the things a personality type model does is give a view on how

being optimistic

In a situation of uncertainty, optimism or pessimism are the available choices. As Wikipedia puts

Asking what people want

“What do you want” is a tricky question. Most of the time, people don’t have

Attached to an identity

There are many ways to define one’s identity. One way to look at it is

I, you, us 

A colleague reached out to me to discuss the transformation process of her business. Two

Urgency and priority

Over the last years, the world has thrown quite a few problems at us. Maybe

Developing vulnerability

When people come together there will always be many different ideas not only on what

The virtues of progress

When stepping into a change process, it easily comes along with a desire for recognition.

When the tension disappears

Tension is everywhere. Sometimes it’s something we don’t know but want to know. Sometimes it

Things look good

Albert now likes to call himself realistic. It’s his reaction to the overflowing positivity he

Safety first

When new ideas appear the possible reactions range from curiosity to resistance. Curiosity is a