The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: care

Dealing with frustrations

When people know one another well, they become aware of behaviors the other has that

A perception of psychology

When people talk about psychology in economics, finance, and pretty much any area related to

Little clarity

When a team feels at ease with one another and with their task, everyone in

Promises and trust

In the past, I often saw how workshops would be announced promising confidentiality on the


The nice thing about acronyms is that they can mean so many things. Most often,

Man in the mirror

When things become uncomfortable, people look for change, that is for relief. The easiest relief

Driving or being driven

Leaders deal with change. They observe change as it is happening, and they decide on

Reviewing routines

When the world around us evolves, when we move on to other tasks our context

When illusions fall apart

Illusions are what people use to feel safe about something they don’t know or don’t

The little extra effort

One of the things I regularly do to work on my coaching practice is to

A heartbreaking moment

Ulrich Wickert, a well-known German anchorman, who is now in his 80s often explained that