Leaders must develop trust in their team. But sometimes, they confuse harmony or a sense of comfort with
Goals exist in a great variety. It’s actually difficult to treat them
Playing golf can be understood as a series of occasions to create
One of the interesting aspects of technology is that it removes the
In any relationship, trust and accountability are partners. The ability to be accountable to the other is a way trust establishes itself. The willingness
In the past, I believed that it is luxury to work with a personal trainer. What I learned along the way was that the
People will regularly suggest that one should do one’s best. It’s an interesting concept. How do you do your best? How do you know
In my youth, I couldn’t stand it, when my mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas. As a small kid things had been
“The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does not know what he thinks.” —Mortimer Adler One way
An expectation is a hope as to what the outcome will be. The outcome is what happened. And yet, the measure for performance most