The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts


The Best Warm & Cozy Restaurants Around the Globe


Unlock your potential

Most often the invitation to “unlock your potential” is more about selling

Unfair advantage

It’s regularly astonishing to me when I notice an ad that invites

Stylish Professional
Elementor Magazine Kit


The presence of doubt

The coach laid down a ball about a cm away from the hole and asked his client to put it into the hole. The

The illusion of communication

When I was thinking about a blog post I wanted to write, I encountered the saying “The single biggest problem in communication is the

Focusing on leadership

Quite often, when I’m writing, I wonder if I should add a note as to how my writing connects with leadership. Sometimes, I’ll let

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Not too long ago I was coaching an impressive young man. He was very disciplined and focused. He had recently joined a company where

Sharing one’s wants

In my youth, I couldn’t stand it, when my mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas. As a small kid things had been

Filling the gap

“The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does not know what he thinks.” —Mortimer Adler One way