The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Relationship

The leader you look for

While reading about Bobby Knight’s leadership as a basketball coach I reflected on what leaders

Colors of loneliness

A blog post by Shau Chung Shin made me aware of a blog parade started

When words resonate

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they

Developing a philosophy

The work of the inner critic is there to serve us. It aims to make

Trust and cooperation

A situation I find myself frequently in is one when colleagues or friends share that

Living with courage

Sometimes we are confronted with seemingly opposing ideas we can’t hold at the same time.

Getting admiration

A motivation worth making oneself more aware of is the desire for admiration. Admiration might


It’s simple, whatever the chance it is to have a human body, it comes with


While observing events, other people, or oneself, a lot of information comes up. But what

The desire for a why

Sometimes, people search for a why. A simple way to look at it is to

Tools and their Purpose

A drill is there to drill a hole. But drilling that hole may serve to