The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Performance

Patterns and experience

A fundamental habit humans have is to look for patterns wherever possible. It is an

Determining responsibility

A lot of times it seems that others make us responsible for problems that appear.

Listening to the story

People are often told to take full responsibility for a problem they find themselves dealing

Know the task – if you can

In my past as an IT specialist, I regularly wondered about the way people approached

It was an error

How often do you do something and know simultaneously that it is an error? It’s

The idealization of better

“Be better” seems such a logical and useful idea. What a promise! Once something has

The two games of life

The more I think about it, the more I sense that human beings play two

Tricks of the mind

One of the things that my mind invites me to believe is that I need

Making things better

Making things better often remains a broad idea of “making things better.” In that situation,

Invest in Optimism

An interesting and paradoxical aspect of performance is that performance will result from trust in