The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Context

Framing problems

Paul Watzlawick once showed how sometimes the way we frame the problem is part of

Reaching goals

Something that clients will regularly share is how reaching their goal doesn’t provide them with

Seeking the truth

The areas in which we can find the truth are rare. This is especially true

Trying to solve the problem

Meditation can teach us a lot about leadership. But it’s not evident. One of the

Structuring the task

When a team is established, its task must be clarified and understood. The task’s boundaries

Do it to learn what it takes

It’s not always obvious why something is being done and what doing it achieves. Something

Multiple selves

A question I’m sometimes confronted with is how to be authentic in different situations. What


The trap of simplification lies in its ability to create an impression of having understood

Really listening

A crucial element in Barack Obama’s decision-making process is his willingness to really listen to

Foreground and background

As Ed Schein once explained, “Culture is telling you moment to moment what to do.”