Posts about belonging

When people hug one another, they start with an embrace, hold on to one another, …

In the past, I often saw how workshops would be announced promising confidentiality on the …

When people have not seen one another for a long while they might experience the …

It can be yours. It can be someone else’s. It is that person’s problem. When …

Illusions are what people use to feel safe about something they don’t know or don’t …

Ulrich Wickert, a well-known German anchorman, who is now in his 80s often explained that …

Someone who becomes a tennis player doesn’t know how far it will bring him. Someone …

Rose and Tim were discussing their project. The ideas were going back and forth, and …

Matthieu Ricard is one of these people I find interesting even though I don’t know …

Thinking about the power of seeing one another, Sawubona came back to mind. When using …

The Prof. Feynman Twitter account recently tweeted “The statements of science are not of what …

Every project is different, every situation is different, and no one knows what the consequences …