The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Context

The comfort paradox

To step out of one’s comfort zone it is necessary to feel comfortable with such

Looking back

Everything we do carries meaning. Such meaning is based on the intent of our actions,

The focus of attention

An essential feature of being human is our ability to sense danger and shift our

Not good at

Talking about sport, the person sitting next to me told me that she isn’t good

The choices we make

Not too long ago, I had an early morning flight and only had a short

The map

The idea that “the map is not the territory” easily creates an image in the

Developing our communication

Once born we’ll immediately try to influence our surroundings. However, these efforts will also be

Awesome and exciting

Browsing my social media stream, I’ll notice posts on both extremes. One extreme I’ll see

Considering contracts

Working as a coach leads to paying more attention to contracts than in everyday situations.