The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: listen

Clear communication

Clear communication is a rare occurrence. There are too many variables influencing our communication for

Resilience 2.0

Tal Ben-Shahar taught two of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history: Positive Psychology and

Awareness of symptoms

A while ago, Kevin Kelly shared a list of “103 Bits of Advice I Wish

Fearless listening

Listening is a skill I hadn’t yet associated with fears. This is interesting, as the

The subjective experience

An individual’s sense of safety is the result of that person’s subjective experience of the

Focusing on anxiety

The team has been stalling for a while. They come together in meetings to discuss

Enabling free speech

In the larger community, many conversations are assuming that free speech correlates with the ability

An uncomfortable feeling

Empathy can be a very uncomfortable experience. Appreciating someone, understanding where someone stands or knowing

A shocking chapter in …

These last years, listening to the news has become a strange competition of finding the

It’s personal

Well, not always. However, it’s how it can be understood. Subtleties in the way we

Being blind

A recurrent theme I’m seeing in my work is how quickly judgments transform conclusions. Once