The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: communication

Words and communication

It’s a challenge to delimit communication to something specific. But it often seems that the

It’s psychology

The word psychology has found its entrance in nearly every domain. And it is used


The nice thing about acronyms is that they can mean so many things. Most often,

Colors of loneliness

A blog post by Shau Chung Shin made me aware of a blog parade started

Seeking clarity

It is questionable if clarity can be achieved alone. It depends on what clarity must

Trust and cooperation

A situation I find myself frequently in is one when colleagues or friends share that

Sharing instructions

Recently, at a party, a friend organized us into groups and asked us to do

Opening conversations

When people have not seen one another for a long while they might experience the

A gentle reminder

The last few years saw some changes in our communication. It is most certainly the

Details in Difference

Rose and Tim were discussing their project. The ideas were going back and forth, and