The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Month: March 2022


When making decisions it rarely is possible to reach one that is only satisfying. The

The need for power

For years, people have been talking about the VUCA nature of the world we’ve come

How to be successful

One of the things a personality type model does is give a view on how

Asking the right questions

People with a long experience in leadership often find themselves in a position in which

being optimistic

In a situation of uncertainty, optimism or pessimism are the available choices. As Wikipedia puts

When it hurts

When something in a conversation is perceived as personal the conversation easily comes to a

A shocking chapter in …

These last years, listening to the news has become a strange competition of finding the

Process and result

There are many invitations around to care less about the process than about the result.

Forgetting the stories

The world has become such a small place that any type of information from all

It’s personal

Well, not always. However, it’s how it can be understood. Subtleties in the way we