The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Month: August 2021

The perfect client

He was struggling. He had learned so much in his last workshop, but not he

The origin of authority

It’s actually simple. There are two answers. In a group, a person is always put

Adapting your message

One of the most regular questions when learning to use the Process Communication Model was

What others do or say

It is easier to hope and expect other people will do what we think should

Choosing efficiency?

There is a caveat with efficient solutions. They only work well if the process being

A teams code of conduct

Teams always have a code of conduct. Some have two. A written one and an

Labels and identity

The Process Communication Model is one out of many personality type models. It is one

It’s right

One can do the right thing. Or one can want to be right. It’s easy

Engaging responsibility

Anytime there is a relationship, power is involved. How could It be different, when we

Naming, and then?

In July I joined a small cohort in KDVI’s signature group coaching practicum. We are

Competing commitments

The masterful way people have to live their life will regularly be misunderstood as being