The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Month: January 2019

Attention robbers

Attention is a strange partner. It’s there and then it’s gone. It’s there when you

Reflection Script

Last year during summer I participated in the altMBA. It is an intense 4 weeks

The virtual coffee machine

Written communication can be very effective. It is asynchronous, allows to collect one’s thoughts and

Seeing options

Seeing available options can be a challenge. It depends on how open and curious we


Some years ago I participated in an event called “Agora”. We were invited to take

Indivisible Benefit

In her 1989 Massey lecture, Ursula Franklin makes a distinction between indivisible and divisible benefits.

Having a mandate

Some of the big questions we encounter involve almost everybody. These can be questions like

Is it all about words?

In a discussion with Scott Perry from Creative on Purpose and a wonderful coach colleague

The slippery slope

Not too long ago I read an interesting article on giving feedback written by Seth

Success is meaningless

What is success for you? Is it the idea that one day you’ll be achieving